The People's Republic of China has chosen Italy as the main destination for a clinical observation program that will involve a significant number of Chinese medical managers. The initiative, promoted by the Chinese Ministry of Health with the support of the Beijing Huatong Guokang Foundation, will be coordinated by the Italian cultural association “The Age of the Pole Star”, Led by Vincenzo Scancamara.
This choice represents an important recognition for Italy, preferred to France, Germany and England. «It is a sign of confidence in our health system and our commitment to international cooperation – declared Scancamarra –. In twelve years of collaboration and sixteen editions of clinical observation programs, we have been pioneers in the sector, offering Chinese doctors the opportunity to train in some of the European healthcare excellences".
Chinese health workers, many of them in senior roles, will be welcomed at prominent facilities such as theCardarelli Hospital,Monaldi Hospital and the Federico II Polyclinic. Their presence is seen as an opportunity for mutual growth: «The Chinese healthcare system recognizes the value of our facilities and considers Italy a model of excellence in Europe», Scancamarra underlined.
The support of local institutions, in particular of Antonio D'Amore, general manager of Cardarelli, and Anna Iervolino, general director of the AORN dei Colli. Their collaboration has allowed them to build the foundations for a medical-scientific cooperation project that aims to involve other international entities as well.
The association “The Era of the Polar Star” also aims at the creation of a International medical and biotechnological research hub, a center that will manage data and information to promote scientific research on a global scale. In addition to China, Japan, Vietnam, the United States, Africa, Australia and several European countries will also be involved.
No less significant is the expansion of the association in Burundi, where, in collaboration with Father Jean Claude, the country's foreign affairs delegate, a meeting will be launched Nursing training school. The project also includes the creation of a clinic dedicated to welcoming children and young mothers in difficulty, confirming the association's commitment to solidarity at a global level.
Article published on 5 December 2024 - 17:14