E’ morto stamane all’ospedale Santa Maria delle Grazie di Pozzuoli, dove era ricoverato, Raffaele Bianco, il 28enne titolare della pizzeria ‘o Russo di Calverley.
The young man had been hospitalized, in very serious conditions, for ten days. He was involved last August 4, in a road accident in Mugnano, in the central Corso Italia. He was riding his scooter, but without a helmet, and collided with a car that was coming from the opposite direction.
Il sindaco di Calvizzano, Giacomo Pirozzi, che aveva invitato i cittadini a pregare per il giovane pizzaiolo nelle immediatezza dell’incidente, ha annunciato il lutto cittadino nel giorno dei suoi funerali, la cui data non è stata ancora fissata.
“I have just learned of the death of Raffaele Bianco, a young pizza chef, 28 years old, victim, last August 4, of a road accident on Corso Italia in Mugnano, while he was riding his scooter, where he collided with a car coming from the opposite direction. It is a tragedy”, writes the mayor on his institutional Facebook page.
And then he adds: "A young life that ends like this always represents a tragedy. I personally join the people of Calvizzano in the terrible pain of the family. Raffaele was a simple boy, very discreet, a great worker who had invested and believed in our country.
His pizzeria is located on the corner of Via Ritiro, he was known by everyone. This is terrible news that has shocked our community. A loss that saddens everyone. And that has shocked us all. May his mother, father and family feel our closeness. The country mourns the loss of a young entrepreneur. We will proclaim a day of mourning and I urge the entire community of merchants to lower their shutters in mourning during Raffaele's funeral".
Now the position of the driver who collided with Raffaele changes from a judicial point of view because the charge against him is of road homicide.
Article published on 14 August 2023 - 13:13