Paolo Belli and his Big Bang in Velia for the 'Music & Words' event
Paolo Belli e la sua Big Bang segnano il terzo appuntamento in cartellone per la rassegna ‘Musica & Parole’. Dopo i due anni di pandemia il cantante emiliano torna sul palco con un live all’insegna della spensieratezza e dell’allegria.
Velia, the birthplace of Eleatic philosophy, will welcome visitors to the lower city. The show will take place in the area of the southern quarter and the theater on the acropolis, under the imposing medieval tower, symbol of the city.
Celebrating the restart, this is the artist's ''mission'', a long-awaited and hoped-for restart that comes at a particularly positive time for Paolo, who celebrated his 60th birthday in March and recently concluded the theatrical tour of the new play written with Alberto Di Risio "Pur di Far Commedia", which has been met with great success by critics and the public.
The evening's lineup includes all the classic hits that have animated the nights of the Italian summer for decades, but also the songs from Paolo Belli's latest musical work entitled ''La Musica che ci gira intorno'', released last May and which collects the covers of great discographic successes, recorded in large orchestra style, to pay homage to artists such as Fossati, De Gregori, Dalla, Ron. The Paolo Belli Big Band will be formed by Mauro Parma on drums, Enzo Proietti on piano and keyboards, Gaetano Puzzutiello on double bass and electric bass, Peppe Stefanelli on percussion, Paolo Varoli on guitar, Pierluigi Bastioli and Daniele Bocchini on trombone, Davide Ghidoni and Nicola Bertoncin on trumpet,
Marco Postacchini and Gabriele Costantini on saxophone, Juan Carlos Albelo Zamora on violin and harmonica.
The choice to include the shows in the cultural offer of the Park is aimed at promoting and enhancing the two archaeological sites to give the public an opportunity different from the daytime visit to discover the two ancient Magna Graecia cities.
“The temples of Paestum, the southern district of Velia and the theatre on the acropolis come to life again this summer through music, theatre, dance, cinema, science and literature – says the director of the Parcor – Tiziana D'Angelo – It is not simply a matter of offering suggestive settings for these shows, but of creating through art new and original opportunities for dialogue and mutual valorization between ancient and contemporary culture, between past and present. With the fundamental support of the Ministry of Culture and the collaboration of local and regional authorities, a lively cycle of events will open the doors of our Park on these summer evenings, involving multiple segments of the public. In particular, the “Musica&Parole” festival will bring nationally and internationally renowned singers and musicians to Paestum and Velia, further enriching our extraordinary cultural heritage”.
Nell’ambito delle altre aperture straordinarie serali previste nei due siti, il 24 luglio a Paestum si terrà l’event's audience “Vedute pestane: mostra ed estemporanea di pittura al chiaro di luna” che evoca il passato del Grand Tour con l’esposizione di alcuni quadri della Fondazione Gianbattista Vico. Durante la serata si terrà anche un’estemporanea di pittura per grandi e piccini.
In the heart of the National Park del Cilento e della provincia di Salerno (una tra le più estese d’Italia) la rassegna sarà uno degli appuntamenti estivi dal forte richiamo turistico sia per l’unicità dei luoghi che la ospitano sia per la possibilità di fruire di un percorso fatto di storia, cultura e musica.
Article published on 27 July 2022 - 18:15