“Due detenuti dell’Istituto penitenziario minorile di Nisida are escaped nel pomeriggio di ieri, ma sono stati ripresi dopo poche ore grazie anche alla sinergia con le altre forze di polizia in servizio nell’isola”.
E’ quanto riferisce Orlando Scocca, Fp CGIL Campania per la Polizia penitenziaria. “Denunciamo da mesi – si legge nella nota dell’organizzazione sindacale – le difficoltà in cui si trova ad operare il personale di Polizia penitenziaria e la cattiva gestione della sicurezza.
Yesterday's incident is just one of the latest critical incidents that have occurred in less than two weeks: two fires in sleeping quarters, poisoning at least ten prison police officers and, no more than a month ago, a massive brawl involving all the young inmates.
These are episodes that clearly show the symptoms of an institution out of control and are more than a warning bell that lets us glimpse even more nefarious episodes on the horizon, to the complete detriment of the Penitentiary Police, which at the moment has become the only victim of a system gone haywire”.
“We invite the Department of Juvenile and Community Justice, responsible for the management of juvenile penitentiary institutions – states Mirko Manna, Fp Cgil national Penitentiary Police – to carry out a serious evaluation of the inadequacy and ineffectiveness of the current chain of command of the Ipm in question which is unable to resolve the needs and critical issues of the detained children, with consequent increase in work and danger for the Penitentiary Police personnel”.
Article published on 22 December 2022 - 12:17