The Torre Annunziata Public Prosecutor's Office (prosecutor Nunzio Fragliasso, deputy and file holder Giuliana Moccia) has issued the first notices of investigation against some boys (minors and adults) from Gragnano in relation to the death of 13-year-old Alessandro Cascone.
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The accusation for all is that incitement to suicide and bullyingThe news was anticipated by the regional news program of Rai which specified that it is a necessary act to carry out the autopsy on the body of the unfortunate boy in the presence of technical experts and professionals appointed by all the suspects.
Throughout the day yesterday they were questioned in the presence of parents and lawyers, many children but also friends, the girlfriend and the ex of Alessandro. The Carabinieri of Gragnano, led by Marshal Angelo Disanto, who are conducting the investigations, have found insults, threats and offences on Alessandro's cell phone.
And this does nothing but return, unfortunately, a reality made of bullying of which the boy was a victim. This morning, some newspapers in Campania also reported what investigators discovered in the chats on the phone, seized immediately after Alessandro's death.
Shortly before falling, the 13-year-old had written to the girl: a farewell message that completely dispels the hypothesis of an accidental fall from the balcony of the house. Two hypotheses are being investigated: instigation to suicide and bullying.
Investigators are now questioning themselves and trying to understand what pressures he would have received Alessandro to push him to open the window, lean out from the fourth floor of his home and throw himself into the void to inflict certain death on himself.
And why didn't anyone notice? very serious state of despair that he was experiencing. But also who was blackmailing him to the point that for him it was better to die rather than have those terrible things that were already circulating on cell phones being divulged?
Gragnano, Alessandro's death: the mystery of the cameras turned off
There is an unpublished detail that has not yet been disclosed: the house in via Lamma in Gragnano where Alessandro lived with his mother civil lawyer and the father agent of a house of clothing, it was equipped with closed circuit cameras that were turned off on the morning of Alessandro's death. Had he turned them off? Or was it an oversight?
Investigators are at work studying the trajectory of the fall so as not to completely rule out fatality because among the neighbors there are those who said they saw Alessandro near the antenna shortly before it fell down.
Article published on 3 September 2022 - 14:36