Barra is on the hunt for the killer who missed the big shot: killing the 17-year-old nephew of the boss Gennaro Aprea.
Whoever opened fire knows he is wanted by both the police and the Barra clans, even by those who ordered the death mission. Because a mistake like that must not be made.
The ambush took place the other night near a recreational club on Corso Sirena. The 17-year-old who was hanging out outside with some friends was hit in the shoulder and left hand. He was taken to the nearby Ospedale del Mare, where doctors have reserved their prognosis after the surgery he underwent.
The investigations into the ambush are being carried out by the Naples Flying Squad and the San Giovanni police station.BarraIt is believed that it was a revenge attack between young people as revenge for an argument that occurred a few days ago.
But the surname and the heavy kinship of the wounded young man alarmed everyone. The attackers were two gunmen riding a scooter and the one who fired did so at chest height aiming at the big target.
His task was to kill. They are also trying to understand if there was the entrance on the scene of a spinner or who reported the presence of the 17-year-old at Corso Sirena to the two killers.
Investigators have collected and seized four 7 caliber shell casings and are currently examining images from public and private cameras scattered around the neighborhood.
Article published on 24 June 2023 - 19:47